Als toonaangevende speler in de technische beveiligingsbranche, bevindt Alphatronics zich in een specialistische nichemarkt. Met het UNii-systeem ontwikkelden zij een modulaire centrale voor inbraaksignalering en toegangsverlening, een innovatie waar Alphatronics erg trots op is. De vele technisch hoogstaande features zorgden ervoor dat de verwachtingen hooggespannen waren, daarom vroegen zij C4Real om mee te denken over een presentatie die recht doet aan het product en klanten, prospects en andere stakeholders direct laat zien welke oplossing UNii hen kan bieden.  

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Teaser for an innovative product

Alphatronics wanted to present UNii during a customer event, via a spectacular animated film shown to visitors on large screens. However, the versatility and comprehensiveness of UNii is so great that C4Real advised a different approach, because an animated film would not be able to fully illuminate the possibilities. A teaser was emphatically chosen to make the latest innovation world famous. At a later stage, the unique components of the UNii system could be shown through separate films.

Alphatronics wanted to present UNii during a customer event, via a spectacular animated film shown to visitors on large screens. However, the versatility and comprehensiveness of UNii is so great that C4Real advised a different approach, because an animated film would not be able to fully illuminate the possibilities. A teaser was emphatically chosen to make the latest innovation world famous. At a later stage, the unique components of the UNii system could be shown through separate films.

Alphatronics wanted to present UNii during a customer event, via a spectacular animated film shown to visitors on large screens. However, the versatility and comprehensiveness of UNii is so great that C4Real advised a different approach, because an animated film would not be able to fully illuminate the possibilities. A teaser was emphatically chosen to make the latest innovation world famous. At a later stage, the unique components of the UNii system could be shown through separate films.

The visual end result

Jos Herrebrugh

Managing Director, Alphatronics

"We chose C4Real because they have made films for technical parties like ours before. That broad experience and the pleasant contact gave us confidence to choose them."

3D images make innovation insightful

“Na een eerste versie heb ik aangegeven wat ik graag anders wilde hebben. Dat hebben ze zo snel opgepakt dat we binnen no-time het eindproduct te pakken hadden, wat veel tijd en dus kosten bespaarde. We hebben een combinatie gemaakt van 3D- en 2D beelden. De nadruk ligt daarbij op 3D, want er beweegt heel veel. Zo kun je écht zien hoe innovatief het UNii-systeem is. We hebben op advies van C4Real bewust gekozen voor een animatiefilm in deze stijl met veel 3D-beelden, want zo word je helemaal meegenomen in de film.”

“Na een eerste versie heb ik aangegeven wat ik graag anders wilde hebben. Dat hebben ze zo snel opgepakt dat we binnen no-time het eindproduct te pakken hadden, wat veel tijd en dus kosten bespaarde. We hebben een combinatie gemaakt van 3D- en 2D beelden. De nadruk ligt daarbij op 3D, want er beweegt heel veel. Zo kun je écht zien hoe innovatief het UNii-systeem is. We hebben op advies van C4Real bewust gekozen voor een animatiefilm in deze stijl met veel 3D-beelden, want zo word je helemaal meegenomen in de film.”

“Na een eerste versie heb ik aangegeven wat ik graag anders wilde hebben. Dat hebben ze zo snel opgepakt dat we binnen no-time het eindproduct te pakken hadden, wat veel tijd en dus kosten bespaarde. We hebben een combinatie gemaakt van 3D- en 2D beelden. De nadruk ligt daarbij op 3D, want er beweegt heel veel. Zo kun je écht zien hoe innovatief het UNii-systeem is. We hebben op advies van C4Real bewust gekozen voor een animatiefilm in deze stijl met veel 3D-beelden, want zo word je helemaal meegenomen in de film.”

Focus on strong introduction


By focusing on the introduction of the new concept in the teaser, a product that is difficult to communicate is still clearly visualized. In this way, the customer is not overloaded with (complex) information, but rather the information is shared that triggers the viewer and can be followed up with more depth. Jos Herrebrugh: "The presentation was very well received. The reactions of our customers to the new system are very good, the animation made a good visual impression. The teaser was a good start. Now it is time to share it and make follow-up animations about the various features of the UNii system, such as the new configuration software. The teaser in itself invites conversation and that's exactly what we want."

By focusing on the introduction of the new concept in the teaser, a product that is difficult to communicate is still clearly visualized. In this way, the customer is not overloaded with (complex) information, but rather the information is shared that triggers the viewer and can be followed up with more depth. Jos Herrebrugh: "The presentation was very well received. The reactions of our customers to the new system are very good, the animation made a good visual impression. The teaser was a good start. Now it is time to share it and make follow-up animations about the various features of the UNii system, such as the new configuration software. The teaser in itself invites conversation and that's exactly what we want."

By focusing on the introduction of the new concept in the teaser, a product that is difficult to communicate is still clearly visualized. In this way, the customer is not overloaded with (complex) information, but rather the information is shared that triggers the viewer and can be followed up with more depth. Jos Herrebrugh: "The presentation was very well received. The reactions of our customers to the new system are very good, the animation made a good visual impression. The teaser was a good start. Now it is time to share it and make follow-up animations about the various features of the UNii system, such as the new configuration software. The teaser in itself invites conversation and that's exactly what we want."

Alphatronics UNii in pictures

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