Onder onze voeten en gebouwen speelt zich een wereld af waar we amper over nadenken. Fugro wel. Fugro is 's werelds grootste Geo-dataspecialist. Het bedrijf verzamelt en analyseert uitgebreide informatie over de aarde en de structuren die erop gebouwd zijn.

Every day, some 10,000 employees in 65 countries work on the best digital solutions to build the world safely and sustainably. To achieve that, Fugro provides project-critical information about the soil on which to build. In this case through Gaia Insight; a platform that provides geotechnical, geological and structural insights to accelerate construction projects. The platform integrates soil testing, real-time IoT (sensors) and third-party data. 

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Underground sensor technology makes a difference

“Hoe maak je onze sensor technologie zichtbaar die ook nog eens ondergronds werkt?” Dat is de uitdaging die Fugro aan C4Real voorlegde. Fugro vond het lastig om de toegevoegde waarde van Gaia Insight over te brengen. “Wij zagen direct in hoeveel impact deze technologie heeft bij allerlei geoprojecten en we hadden diverse ideeën om dit op een visueel strategische manier uit te dragen.”

“Hoe maak je onze sensor technologie zichtbaar die ook nog eens ondergronds werkt?” Dat is de uitdaging die Fugro aan C4Real voorlegde. Fugro vond het lastig om de toegevoegde waarde van Gaia Insight over te brengen. “Wij zagen direct in hoeveel impact deze technologie heeft bij allerlei geoprojecten en we hadden diverse ideeën om dit op een visueel strategische manier uit te dragen.”

“Hoe maak je onze sensor technologie zichtbaar die ook nog eens ondergronds werkt?” Dat is de uitdaging die Fugro aan C4Real voorlegde. Fugro vond het lastig om de toegevoegde waarde van Gaia Insight over te brengen. “Wij zagen direct in hoeveel impact deze technologie heeft bij allerlei geoprojecten en we hadden diverse ideeën om dit op een visueel strategische manier uit te dragen.”

Gaia product presentation

Remon Pot

Global Product Owner Digital Platforms at Fugro

"We vroegen C4Real om ons te helpen met een lancerings video van Gaia Insight; onze deur naar de ondergrond. Het ontwerpteam heeft uitstekend werk geleverd door de technologie, ons werk en de waarde die we leveren voor de samenleving samen te vatten. Het was een plezier om met C4Real samen te werken. .. "

Huge number of requests after launch

To ensure maximum impact from launch, we created an impressive 3D animation for Gaia Insight's global product launch. In it, we visualized that the different types of crucial geo-information are easily bundled together, allowing the user of the platform to make the right decisions faster. That this leads to time savings and far fewer failure costs is a logical consequence. Control through technology, that is the thrust of the films, which also include a continuous storyline for follow-up videos. And that thrust is catching on. The many good reactions that followed showed that the target audience appreciates our video. The subject matter may be complex, but the content of the video is especially clear. Partly because of this, the launch of Gaia Insight brought about a big boost in awareness and attention. For example, the platform was immediately picked up by international media, from Switzerland to Australia. Fugro immediately received a huge number of requests after the launch of Gaia Insight. This shows that there is a clear need in the market for such a platform. And that the target group immediately saw the benefits due to the strong visualization. The Fugro share went up 4.77% after that day, so the mood was great. We are proud to have achieved this in partnership with Fugro in such a short time.

To ensure maximum impact from launch, we created an impressive 3D animation for Gaia Insight's global product launch. In it, we visualized that the different types of crucial geo-information are easily bundled together, allowing the user of the platform to make the right decisions faster. That this leads to time savings and far fewer failure costs is a logical consequence. Control through technology, that is the thrust of the films, which also include a continuous storyline for follow-up videos. And that thrust is catching on. The many good reactions that followed showed that the target audience appreciates our video. The subject matter may be complex, but the content of the video is especially clear. Partly because of this, the launch of Gaia Insight brought about a big boost in awareness and attention. For example, the platform was immediately picked up by international media, from Switzerland to Australia. Fugro immediately received a huge number of requests after the launch of Gaia Insight. This shows that there is a clear need in the market for such a platform. And that the target group immediately saw the benefits due to the strong visualization. The Fugro share went up 4.77% after that day, so the mood was great. We are proud to have achieved this in partnership with Fugro in such a short time.

To ensure maximum impact from launch, we created an impressive 3D animation for Gaia Insight's global product launch. In it, we visualized that the different types of crucial geo-information are easily bundled together, allowing the user of the platform to make the right decisions faster. That this leads to time savings and far fewer failure costs is a logical consequence. Control through technology, that is the thrust of the films, which also include a continuous storyline for follow-up videos. And that thrust is catching on. The many good reactions that followed showed that the target audience appreciates our video. The subject matter may be complex, but the content of the video is especially clear. Partly because of this, the launch of Gaia Insight brought about a big boost in awareness and attention. For example, the platform was immediately picked up by international media, from Switzerland to Australia. Fugro immediately received a huge number of requests after the launch of Gaia Insight. This shows that there is a clear need in the market for such a platform. And that the target group immediately saw the benefits due to the strong visualization. The Fugro share went up 4.77% after that day, so the mood was great. We are proud to have achieved this in partnership with Fugro in such a short time.

Fugro Gaia product introduction in pictures

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