Royal DSM NV asked C4Real to create a visualization for a new coating product, Uralac Ultra, that they are offering on the market. This is truly a revolutionary product in the field of coating MDF. The traditional way of coating often involves the use of paint and involves an environmentally intensive and chemical process. This can have adverse environmental and health effects. DSM's new and innovative product is powder coating. What is revolutionary about this is that the powder coating is heated via an electrostatic process and thus adheres to the MDF. No chemicals are used, making the powder more environmentally friendly than paint. The powder coating of MDF has never succeeded before because it is difficult to heat the powder so that it adheres and does not burn the MDF. So it's high time to show this product and process to the world and get DSM's target audience excited about it.
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Changing mindset in the marketplace
DSM Revolutionary powder coating process in pictures
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